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A platform for digital biomarkers and mhealth in Northrhine Westfalia

Clinical data is usually only collected in contact with doctors. Wearables from patients provide physicians with valuable data that complements the casual observations of individual patients in the clinical setting and from which digital biomarkers for health and disease can be derived. The ABCD-J platform provides an integrated collection and analysis environment for digital biomarkers & mobile health in North Rhine-Westphalia - by clinical researchers for clinical researchers.


New Community Manager

On February 1, 2025, we welcome a new Community Manager, Jenna Swarthout Goddard, to the project.

TRR 379 funded

The DFG is funding the Transregio/Collaborative Research Center TRR379 (Neuropsychology of Aggression) - a joint project that uses the same services as the ABCD-J in the area of data management.